Today, let's talk about what the vehicle temperature tracker is and why it is favored by so many car owners. What magic does this product contain, why are there such products on the streets now, from behind these products, what do we see? Today we will understand and analyze these together!

Briefly introduce the vehicle temperature tracker:

vehicle temperature tracker is mainly a car anti-theft GPS positioning product. The functions of vehicle temperature tracker generally include SMS location, timing location, network query, remote monitoring and remote car lock.

The following describes the basic functions of the vehicle temperature tracker:

1, positioning tracking: by accessing the "attachment positioning platform", you can understand the current vehicle status and location in real time.

2, track playback: by accessing the "attachment positioning platform", you can view the car track within 60 days, view the road section of the vehicle at that time, speed and so on.

3, intelligent alarm: when the car crashes, overspeed or vehicle temperature tracker falls off, it will alarm.

4, remote lock the car: through the mobile phone SMS or "attachment positioning platform" to send instructions to the device, so that the car disconnected oil circuit, circuit to achieve the purpose of locking the car.

5, one button for help: the vehicle temperature tracker can be connected to an SOS SOS button, which can realize emergency help in case of emergency.

6, remote monitoring: you can dial the number of the SIM card on the device at any time for real-time monitoring of the vehicle's weekend sound.

See the basic features of the vehicle temperature tracker, you should know why it is favored by many owners!!

vehicle temperature tracker