Compared with the general plastic product forming mold, the disposable plastic soup spoon group cavity mold has the inherent characteristics of high precision and low rigidity. The price of a set of disposable plastic soup spoon group cavity mold even exceeds the price of the host. Therefore, it is necessary for the mold closing organization to play an outstanding role in protecting the mold. In order to achieve this function, it is necessary to have satisfactory stiffness, excellent speed characteristics of mold locking and mold opening, uniform template deformation and excellent deformation repetition accuracy.

disposable plastic soup spoon Injection molding equipment is a device, the development of ideas is different from the development of general injection machines. Some domestic units to develop the disposable plastic soup spoon injection molding machine, as a general middle and low-end products to develop, change the screw cylinder as a PET injection molding machine, from the beginning on a wrong route, so it is always on the low-end level.

First of all, we must correct the development of ideas, the development of PET bottle injection molding machine as a product to develop, in order to open a high-performance PET bottle injection molding machine for the customary market.

With the development of hot runner skills, the development of group cavity molds, especially the use of PET bottles into geometric growth, the performance requirements of PET bottle injection molding machine put forward higher and higher requirements, PET bottle injection molding machine for the development of the customary market, its organization and structural control and other aspects further reflect the performance characteristics of special injection molding machine, mainly in high-speed and other aspects.

The disposable plastic soup spoon is widely used for packaging carbonated beverages, drinking water, juice, enzymes and tea beverages, as well as food, chemical and pharmaceutical packaging.

The disposable plastic soup spoon recycling can not only solve the problem of environmental protection, but also can be used as a new raw material resource to alleviate the contradiction of the shortage of PET raw materials in China.

disposable plastic soup spoon